Monday 30 June 2008

See Shiloh Jolie-Pitt's Movie Debut Here!

Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt’s eagerly anticipated movie debut in The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button has finally been unveiled.

The Brad Pitt movie, which is set for release later this year, features his young daughter as a stand-in for twin infant girls who were restless on shoot.

A source tells the National Enquirer: “Brad and Shiloh saved the day when twin sisters hired to take turns playing actress Cate Blanhett's character as a baby wouldn't settle down.

“Everyone waited in vain while the babies were fed, changed and hugged - but nothing worked to calm them on the set in New Orleans.

“The quickly-thinking Brad realized his daughter's happy and mellow disposition made her a quick fix for the role.”

See Shiloh’s brief cameo in the trailer below. Watch out for her in the scene Pitt cradles his two-year-old daughter as she watches a balloon float away.